Category: Techniques
How Did You Digitize Your Journals?
I’ve got about 35 volumes of journals I’ve kept over the years, and I’d like to digitize them. The problem is there are so many options out there it’s overwhelming at first glance. Mark Koester as a nice article, but it’s from 2019 and I suspect things are quite a bit different now. I’m not…
Morning pages – in the journal or separate book?
I started doing morning pages a while back, and I been doing them in a these cheap kraft notebooks. I didn’t know how this would turn out, and doing the math I could see it would mean filling a few books a year. But now I’m thinking of moving them into my journal. Why? I’m…
A trick to reduce handwriting stress
One of the advantages of fountain pens is that they require very little pressure to write. This encourages a looser grip, which in turn means less stress and tiring. It usually works that way. But when I’m in a hurry, under stress to write both fast and neat, or have simply enjoyed too much coffee,…
Fixing A Broken Moleskine Band
A very popular post on the OG was on how to fix a broken Moleskine band. Someone even left a comment on the new blog asking about it. I replied I’d repost but when I went looking for the photos, I couldn’t find them. So, I made a video instead: I hope it…
Business notes – loose pages or notebook?
Yes, I know. You’re looking at me thinking I’m some kind of luddite. Here we are, sitting in a meeting and you’ve got your tablet out and I’ve got my pen and paper. Yes, I work with software, databases, and data visualization, and therefore I should be technologically adept. I am. I also enjoy reaping…