Recording Thoughts: Improve your life with pen & paper
Another test fediverse post
Ok, this time I’m trying just having one id for the entire blog – a better plan I think.
A test Fediverse Post
Just seeing how things work!
Don’t Lose Your Pen! High visibility Pen Comparison
There was a time when I was younger when I, like a lot of folks it seems, preferred black or manly or ‘tactical’ colors for everything. Then I slowly learned I was spending a lot of time looking for things because they were all the same color. Especially when traveling or camping. Over time I’ve…
A trick to reduce handwriting stress
One of the advantages of fountain pens is that they require very little pressure to write. This encourages a looser grip, which in turn means less stress and tiring. It usually works that way. But when I’m in a hurry, under stress to write both fast and neat, or have simply enjoyed too much coffee,…
Fixing A Broken Moleskine Band
A very popular post on the OG was on how to fix a broken Moleskine band. Someone even left a comment on the new blog asking about it. I replied I’d repost but when I went looking for the photos, I couldn’t find them. So, I made a video instead: I hope it…
Moving to Mastodon
Like a lot of folks I’m moving to Mastodon. It’s not to say you’ll never see me on Twitter again, but I’ll be putting my focus on Mastodon. [UPDATE FEB 2023] Well, maybe not., the instance where I’d made my account, was abandoned by its administrator and was beginning to be blocked. So I…
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